Current Updates
Hey everyone. Thought I'd post a quick update on what's going on here at Phoenixia Astrology since I've been a bit AWOL lately.
As you can see, I did not make it to the January forecast or the last couple of weekly reports. As it turns out, I've been forced to do a bit of a migration while seeking another job. The good news is, I have an offer on the table. The downside is the commute (for now). The downside hits a little harder as it will give me a little less time to do these reports for the moment, but this should be rectified pretty soon.
Another reason for delays is that I've been working on a method and system on my end that should make writing these reports and doing readings a lot easier for me in the long term. And the less time I have to take to do analysis while at the same time improving the quality of that analysis, the better the reports I can give to you readers out there! So I haven't abandoned anything here, it's just the outside-of-blogging world has gotten a bit busy on my end. And with Venus/Sun/Pluto all hitting my Antivertex directly the last couple of days, I've had quite a bit of life-changing energy and events hitting me all at once. But it's looking up.
How has Sun/Venus/Pluto been treating everyone else? At any rate, I'll be a bit more regular again soon. Until then, keep abreast of events and transits, and keep shooting for the best outcomes, no matter how hard the aspect!