Readings Slots Available
As a reminder, Phoenixia Astrology does offer readings! Right now the backlog is minimal, so this would be an excellent opportunity to take a look ahead and see what future influences are up ahead, or maybe just a good time to take a look within and see what makes you tick!
I offer:
- Birthcharts to further your self-knowledge
- Synastry charts (great for business and romance!)
- 3/6/12 month forecasts to get a glimpse on what lies ahead
- Solar Returns, great for seeing what the theme of the year after your birthday holds! (I use the precessed solar return method).
Basic readings (without asteroids) and enhanced (with asteroids) both available.
You never know when my schedule could fill up, so why take the chance? Book a reading today!
* Do note the asteroid readings have a lot more to process and thus will take a bit longer to complete. Thank you for your patience and understanding.