Lunar Eclipse Aquarius - August 2016 - Arrow of Fate

Lunar Eclipse Aquarius - August 2016 - Arrow of Fate

The "Almost" Lunar Eclipse is here! Almost because really, the moon's not going to be shadowed very much at all. It's just the tip of the Earth's shadow for this one. But make no mistake: this supercharged Full Moon is potent in its own right, thanks to the Yod Kite! And given that this is a grazing of the moon for this eclipse, and another Lunar Eclipse is just after the September 1st Solar Eclipse, this is going to be quite the ride for the remainder of the current lunar cycle, leading into this new Lunar Eclipse cycle.

First and foremost, the Big Impact. The Lunar Eclipse itself forms a Yod, sextiling Uranus/Eris/4386 Lust, apexes at Mercury/1930 Lucifer/Jupiter/(arguably) 4227 Kaali, and the apex is kited by an opposition to Chiron! ...Ok. Let's breathe a little bit. Mercury and Jupiter being at the apex mean we are going to see some big messages come about in our lives right now. Jupiter expands things, and Mercury is travel, communications, messages, technology. Mercury is also in a shadow period before its next retrograde cycle when it stations direct on August 30th. So we're already seeing glitches and disruptions. (I should know, my laptop, a fresh install I might add from last month, blue-screened tonight before I could write this. Pissed me off). Lucifer and Kaali with Mercury and Jupiter, well, we're going to see some issues with pride with the Lucifer factor, while the Kaali factor is going to kick this up a little bit. Not too much, as Kaali is about a couple degrees orb from Jupiter (and on the other side of Mercury), so we've got some amplification to this. The Quincunx of Mercury and Jupiter to Uranus/Eris/Lust tells us that we're going to see some sudden changes, surprises, major disruptions coming from these revelations. Sex, lust, the baser portions of romance, they're going to play a role in this too. The other Quincunx to the Lunar Eclipse itself, safe to say that this is going to supercharge the emotional aspects of this, and how we all feel about what we discover. Chiron retrograde opposing Mercury/Jupiter's apex will bring to this a factor of catharsis.

Long story short? Major happenings, emotions running rampant and roughshod, and some inner healing to come through this for some, while others who don't heed the lessons will continue to burn with the inner wounding. I'd recommend heeding the lessons. These should be blatantly obvious for all, in my opinion.

More about the impact of this Lunar Eclipse... if you have personal points or planets in your own natal charts from 21 degrees of the fixed signs (Aquarius/Taurus/Leo/Scorpio) to 1 degree into the Mutable signs (Pisces/Gemini/Virgo/Sagittarius), this eclipse will hit you harder than it will others. As a Lunar Eclipse, it'll be more in the realms of emotions, intuition, and more lucid matters.

Let's get to the rest of this eclipse cycle, shall we?

Mars joins Saturn, now both direct and finally moving forward, in their T-Square to the North Node and Venus in Virgo, and the Neptune/South Node contact in Pisces. Where Saturn retrograde before during the New Moon at the start of this lunar cycle was about us determining our inner restrictions, we are now going to find ourselves dealing once again with outer restrictions, and the Mars conjunction is going to amplify our frustrations and our desire to act and get past this post-haste. Neptune on the South Node is still doing its thing drawing us back into addictive and fantasy-driven comfort zones. Venus is a carrot on a stick driving us to go forward and get past this hurdle. We can visualize what we want, what we desire, and go for it. Still, that desire to go backwards is there. Amplifying this is Saturn sitting on fixed star Antares, and this is quite an incendiary star in its own right. But what wisdom does Saturn on Antares have for us? From Constellations of Words:

With Saturn: Materialistic, dishonest through circumstances created by environment, religious hypocrisy, many disappointments, loss through quarrels and legal affairs, trouble through enemies, many failures, hampered by relatives, unfavorable for domestic matters, much sickness to and sorrow from children. If at the same time the Moon is with Aldebaran, danger of death by sword or hanging. [Robson*, p.138.]

Well, Moon isn't on Aldeberan. Thank goodness for that. Doesn't sound very pleasant. Given that the election season is ramping up in the United States, oh yeah... the bull is going to fly, horns, shit, and all. Oh, and 666 Desdemona is still conjunct Saturn. We are already seeing some manefestations of the loss through legal affairs and quarrels in the news, actually... For example:

Lots of messes out there.

Continuing on, we have Sun trine Uranus retrograde/Eris/Lust for this particular eclipse. Unconventional solutions to problems may come, or you may have some good surprises come your way with this. Or at least a mitigation of some not so nice surprises. Sun conjunct 5325 Silver may also allow for some good fortune when it comes to some financial pursuits or news.

90377 Sedna and 829 Academia conjunct, both on fixed star Algol, and both apexing a T-Square between the Sun and Moon this Eclipse, well, that's something we need to address as well. When it comes to education (both higher and lower), we can expect an amplification of betrayal here. Not what people want to hear going into a school year! Make sure you are watchful and mindful of your own and your childrens' (if you have any) educational environments, and make absolutely sure there isn't someone there to betray their trust. I dread the thought that we're about to see another college or school sex scandal come out, but regrettibly that is what I am thinking is going to come out in the news the next couple of weeks. I could be wrong, and I'll be glad if I am. Given the above mentions of Jerry Sandusky, I wouldn't be surprised if something else comes out about that sordid saga. Or we hear something out of the Bill Cosby scandal. In fact, given the Saturn/Mars T-Square, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets more unpleasant news... All depending on what his natal looks like, I haven't done a full analysis on that yet. (I'm getting there as events permit).

Speaking of betrayal markers, 149 Medusa in Pisces is conjunct 433 Eros, 16089 Lamb, and Nessus, but is also a point on a Grand Trine with 896 Sphinx in Cancer, and 128 Nemesis in Scorpio. This... hmm. Ceres opposes Nemesis for a Water Grand Trine Kite, but as this is not directly impacting any planets, so really we have a focus on Nemesis. We may see some reconciliations at this time with matters regarding home and hearth towards those who antagonize us in our own homes, perhaps. Like family, or lovers. Still, Nessus and Medusa together along with a possible victimization asteroid (Lamb), and Eros in the mix... hard to say. Maybe some healing comes of it, some reconciliation of a domestic drama... or, as a Grand Trine is a big "easy" aspect, and can be "lazy" as well, maybe something gets swept under the rug. Sphinx, named for the mythological creature that loved to give riddles (and eat people who didn't answer correctly, as I recall...), there could be some mystery and intrigue to this. Again, though, as no major planets or luminaries make any major aspects to any of these, really... it's likely a minor influence at this time.

On the other hand, 157 Dejanira does apex a T-square between North Node/2629 Rudra in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces, so really this could be the other side of a possible very weak Grand Cross if we throw in Saturn (but at a 3 degree orb, I'm not really thinking about this so much). I think we're going to see something regarding victims taking back their own power. And it's going to be a hard road ahead, given the hard aspects. It has to happen. With Dejanira trine 37117 Narcissus and 151 Abundantia, there's a chance a sociopath may back down right now, or be more able to be influenced to back off or change their ways.

Finally, speaking of Narcissus, it and Abundantia apex a T-square from 875 Nymphe in Taurus and 2601 Bologna in Scorpio. Expect psychopaths and sociopaths and narcissists to try to flaunt some resource or money and exaggerate in an effort to get laid. In other words, the usual, but a bit amplified. That's what I'm seeing. Don't confuse this with someone trying to make a genuine effort to make peace (and there will be some of that this cycle too, so use your best judgment!).

So there we have it. The Almost Lunar Eclipse. Stay frosty and aware, and may the rest of the month of September go well until the next New Moon, which is the powerful Solar Eclipse in Virgo on September 1st. May the rest of this cycle go... somewhat smoothly.

