Basic Solar Return - $60.00 USD
The basic Solar Return is a snapshot for the year ahead when the sun returns to the position it was in during your birth. The solar return can somewhat be felt before it takes place, but For this reading, I will analyze the planets, North and South nodes, and will also add in Chiron and Black Moon Lilith and how the transits for the next three months interact with your natal chart.
- I use precessed solar returns, which are a little more involved than a non-precessed solar return. Let me know in Special Instructions if you would like to see the non-precessed charts as well. However, my interpretation will be for the precessed.
- If ordering the Twelve Months Ahead reading, you will receive this for free. You won't have to add it to the cart.
If a birth time is not specified, no angle or house information will be able to be provided, but the rest of the chart can be generated. Moon placement information will be approximate in this case.
- Unknown birthtime charts will be charted for local time at noon. Birth time is vital for solar return accuracy.
What You Get
- The generated chart.
- A PDF of the interpretation of the solar return by itself and compared to your natal chart.
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Important Disclosure: Phoenixia Astrology and Jon Russell assume no responsibility for actions taken or not taken nor for decisions made or not made in regards to the information presented in these readings. Clients remain responsible for all personal, interpersonal, and business decisions. Clients are advised to exercise due diligence in all undertakings and affairs.