Three Months Look Head - Basic Plus Asteroids - $150.00 USD


The basic Three Months Look Ahead Plus Asteroids includes everything the Three Month Look Ahead Basic does, but also adds the Career/Romance/Deception asteroids.

I will also check the progressed chart for the same length of time and examine those trends to your natal as well, and also any pertinent aspects transits make to the progressed as well.


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Birth Info
* Birthplace/Date/Time. Format date as MM/DD/YYYY. May use 12 or 24 hour time.
Date to begin analysis for
* Format date as MM/DD/YYYY.

Important Disclosure: Phoenixia Astrology and Jon Russell assume no responsibility for actions taken or not taken nor for decisions made or not made in regards to the information presented in these readings. Clients remain responsible for all personal, interpersonal, and business decisions. Clients are advised to exercise due diligence in all undertakings and affairs.

